miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

The relationship between the standard of living and the quality of life in Dominican Republic

In my country, Dominican Republic, the standard of living for the majority of the population is very low. The politics are not focused to fight the poverty and the crime rates are chasing the highest levels in years. For this reason, most people in my native country are living unhappy and insecure. Most of them are afraid to be robbed or even hurt when they go out. Additionally, there is a lack of quality on the basic services and needs, such as education and health. Consequently, people are looking for ways to migrate to other countries like United States, which offers better services and security. However, not everyone in Dominican Republic has a thought life. A few rich politicians and big business owners have impressive materially good lives. It doesn't even look like they live in the same poor country. The sad truth is, In Dominican Republic, the majority of people is poor and live picking up whatever's left from the powerful and rich.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

"The Trumpet of Conscience" - Summary

     Martin Luther King Jr., moved by the discrimination and poverty of African Americans, had an important speech called "The Trumpet of Conscience." He rejected the war that United States had against Vietnam at the same time that he was fighting for the civil rights in America. People criticized that he was interested in other matters like the war, which they said had nothing to do with his rights fight. The motivation of his concerns for the war was that he thought that we cannot talk about discrimination issues if we don't have the moral to avoid a war.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

A Gas Station Burns in the Forest: Illuminating Our Moral Legacy



Tell White Lies (Occasionally): Protecting from Unnecessary Hurt

Thesis: Telling White Lies Avoid Hurting People.

I. Telling white lies is common.

A. What motivates people to tell white lies.

1.Keeping secrets.

2.Avoiding to hurt someone.

B. Frequent situations of white lies.
II. My personal experience with white lies.
A. Brief story.
B. I learned from this situation...
III. The line between white lies and gray or black lies.
A. When to tell the truth.
IV. Telling white lies help people's feelings.
A. Knowing when someone may be hurt and telling white lies.

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Courtesy: Key to a Happier World

Thesis: Life’s difficulties would be minimized if people were more courteous to each other.

I. Basic ingredients of good manners
A. Justice
B. Empathy
C. Treat all people alike

II. Three ways to improve one’s manners
A. Practice courtesy
1.  Concentrate in a specific area for a week
2. Don’t let others’ bad manners make you rude
B. To think in a courteous way
C. Be able to accept courtesy

Conclusion. Politeness is the golden rule in action.